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New posts in cobol

What are some good resources for getting started with COBOL programming? [closed]


Cobol technical demonstration [closed]


What is it about COBOL and its performance that makes it (compared to its age) so quick?

Reading a Cobol generated file

c# cobol

compute rounded in cobol


Problem with COBOL move to comp-3 variable


How does COBOL store and retrieve data? [closed]

cobol data-storage

Helping to ease COBOL programmers to .Net. What are your suggestions?

.net oop cobol


select stdin cobol sysin

GnuCOBOL failing to find dynamic symbols, only on recent Ubuntu

ubuntu gcc ld cobol gnucobol

COBOL - Differing answer from mainframe to PC for same COMPUTE

cobol mainframe gnucobol

Error with gmp when compiling helloworl in COBOL

macos cobol gmp gnucobol

Calling a Web Service from COBOL or CL

What are the advantages of pseudo conversational vs conversational CICS programming?

cobol mainframe cics

The unmentioned parts of COBOL's history [closed]

history cobol

What's this language?

Japanese COBOL Code: rules for G literals and identifiers?

unicode cobol literals

Dynamically Reading COBOL Redefines with C#

c# cobol mainframe ebcdic

Unprintable integer pointer returned to GNU COBOL from C library

c cobol gnucobol

In Cobol, to test "null or empty" we use "NOT = SPACE [ AND/OR ] LOW-VALUE" ? Which is it?
