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Upload a file to Google Cloud Storage (Java)

C++: Cloud computing library: is there such a library where I don't need to write much network stuff?

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Is there a hard limit on how long Azure role startup can take?

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Relationship between python map reduce and cloud-computing map/reduce?

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Create a virtual machine in windows azure programmatically with C# code or .net

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cloud computing in .net 4.0

.net cloud asp.net c#

Azure Cloud Service Deployment

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How to make Protractor work while using Cloud9?

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Spring Cloud git configuration -- placing repository in folder directly containing the classpath?

Explain what Amazon EC2 is, and can I use it as a web hosting service? [closed]

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Azure platform: scaling instances up and down

Value of property SecurityGroupIds must be of type List of String error while updating stack

Using a CDN to store/serve user image uploads?

Are there cloud / cluster / hosting providers that charge for actual CPU time used?

How do I update new instances started by AWS auto scaling?

OSS implementation of Google app engine?

Emacs cloud storage options?

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steps to securing amazon EC2+EBS

Why randomize your file names for cloud storage/CDN?

XMind or MindMeister?

cloud mindmapping