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Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentHashMap


Is there an if-clojurescript macro?

Clojure - convert list into Java array

Convert hyphenated string to CamelCase

regex clojure

Patch Library From Clojars

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Microbenchmark Clojure functions

clojure benchmarking

Is LISP's code-as-data ideology basically the same thing as higher order functions? [closed]

will Spark support Clojure?

Clojure Koan Factorial Function Implementations

recursion clojure

why is clojure thread last (->>) a macro?

clojure macros

Is there a function similar to "andmap" in clojure?


Sum function doesn't work :/


Dynamic scoping in Clojure?


Estimating the word count of a file without reading the full file

Clojure REPL in Windows

Proper form for using a 2D array in Clojure and initializing each cell


Why does REPL treat clojure.core/doc as a var?

how to apply a two-arg function to a sequence?


idiomatic way to only update the first elem matching a pred in a coll


Would rebinding be objectionable?
