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New posts in clojure-java-interop

Trouble understanding :state in Clojure

How to explore Java methods through REPL

How to distinguish java map from clojure map?

Sandwiching Clojure between Java with Leiningen

How do you configure proprietary dependencies for Leiningen?

Clojure and JavaFX 2 -- passing multiple-arity arguments to JavaFX methods

How do I call a Clojure function that takes a two-dimensional array of Strings from Java?

leiningen: ClassNotFoundException for class present in project on “lein run” / “lein uberjar”

Stuck with type hints in clojure for generic class

Clojure Leining REPL OutOfMemoryError Java heap space

Clojure reify a Java interface with overloaded methods

Clojure optimization of java interop

Interop from clojure a with non-standard iterative java API

Risks of volatile-mutable fields in single-threaded contexts?

Cannot use class from another namespace in ns :gen-class

How to create multiple Java member variables with Clojure's gen-class

How can I add a typehint in clojure to fix "ctor can't be resolved" reflection warning, i.e call to a constructor?

clojure gen-class varargs constructor

How do I tag a Clojure function so that I could recognize it with Java reflection

How does Clojure's laziness interact with calls to Java/impure code?