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New posts in client-server

Unity3d server auto discover, LAN only

client-server unity3d

Server - C#, Client - Flash, data exchange protocol

Python asyncio Protocol behaviour with multiple clients and infinite loop

Why shouldn't I run my non-web server software on port 80?

sockets tcp client-server

Remote tcp connection in python with zeromq

Send commands from command line to a running Python script in Unix

python unix client-server

Measuring network traffic with Indy

Client Server socket security

security client-server

Handle multiple socket connections

How Meteor works, Client vs Server?

client-server meteor

Remoting performance degrades over the time

.net remoting client-server

Hole punching with boost::asio

How do stock market data feeds work?

How to Generate Network Packets with C/C++

c++ c udp client-server ntp

Synchronize time/events between game (MMORPG) client and server?

Socket.io as server, 'standard' javascript as client?