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New posts in ciimage

Flip CIImage Horizontal

ios objective-c ciimage

rotate CIImage around center with CIFilter

How to crop and flip CVPixelBuffer and return CVPixelBuffer?

Getting UIImage from CIImage does not work properly

Crop CMSampleBufferRef

CIImage(IOS): Adding 3x3 convolution after a monochrome filter somehow restores color

ios edge-detection ciimage

Cropping CIImage

ios swift ios10 ciimage

UIImageView contentMode not working after blur effect application

Colors Inverted when Creating UIImage from CIImage (iOS 6.0)

Converting CIImage to CGImage too slow

Image rotating after CIFilter

swift ciimage

How can you make a CVPixelBuffer directly from a CIImage instead of a UIImage in Swift?

MAC OS Xcode Swift 2.2 Convert NSImage to CIImage [closed]

ios9 - Issues with cropping CVImageBuffer

ios image crop ios9 ciimage

Why properties method of CIImage returns nil

ios iphone core-image ciimage

Swift 4.1 Failed to get a bitmap representation of this NSImage

core-image ciimage swift4.1