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New posts in cgfloat

Comparing two equal CGFloat:s, getting positive (YES) result

ios cgfloat

Use CGFloat instead of float? They don't do it

objective-c cgfloat

Swift equivalent of ceilf for CGFloat

swift cgfloat ceil

Handling CGFloat with an NSScanner on arm64

Swift - Could not find an overload... & Cannot convert the expression's type

ios overloading swift cgfloat

Is there a performance diff using CGFloat with or without postfix .f in Objective-C

What's the best way to do math with CGFloats in swift?

Can I apply the same extension to many classes without copy paste?

swift double cgfloat

CGFloat is showing an error

objective-c cgfloat

CGFloat addition bug?

objective-c ios xcode4 cgfloat

What's the difference between using CGSizeMake and CGSize? Is one better than the other?

ios swift cgfloat cgsize

Conversion between CGFloat and NSNumber without unnecessary promotion to Double

swift nsnumber cgfloat

Accessing global const CGFloat defined in an Objective-c .m file from Swift

How can I distinguish between an unset float and one with a value of 0?

'CGFloat' is not Convertible to 'Float' AND MORE

ios swift xcode6 cgfloat

Swift expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time

xcode swift arc4random cgfloat

Confusion due to Swift lacking implicit conversion of CGFloat

Replacement for `fabs`, `fmax`, etc. for use with CGFloat on 64-bit iOS devices

CGFloat: round, floor, abs, and 32/64 bit precision

objective-c cgfloat

Binary operator '+' cannot be applied to two CGFloat operands?

cocoa swift cgfloat