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Query caching to power jQuery autocomplete

CFML converting evaluate() query string to structure syntax

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switch(true) with dynamic cases in coldfusion?

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CFML Design Pattern resources?

Shouldn't dot and square bracket notation behave the same in CF?

"How to fix `remove default alphabetical ordering of SerializeJSON() `

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Verify mail server connection programmatically in ColdFusion

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Testing HTTPS locally with Coldfusion

Is it ok to store large objects (java component for example) in an Application variable?

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Convert ColdFusion Date to Unix timestamp

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CFML inplementation of toString for CFCs

coldfusion cfml

Coldfusion 9 HTML form 500 internal server error

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How to concat two strings and use the result as a variable name in coldfusion?

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ColdFusion 2016: Can you have a folder in your web root named 'api' or 'rest'?

Should I use cfreturn in a function with returntype void

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Different output from toBase64() in CFML on 2 different machines

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Service Temporarily Unavailable error on IIS 8.5 and ColdFusion 10

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How does one convert from a Java resultset to ColdFusion query in Railo?

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