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New posts in castle-windsor

Castle Windsor IOC: Passing constructor parameters to child components

.net castle-windsor

IoC Castle Windsor - No parameterless constructor defined for this object

castle windsor interceptor on method that is calling by another method

ASP.NET MVC Beta 1: DefaultModelBinder wrongly persists parameter and validation state between unrelated requests

Custom base page type for my razor views, how to use castle windsor to autowire properties?

Castle Windsor - Releasing Interceptor with Transient Lifestyle

Can Castle Windsor be used to implement IDependencyResolver in ASP.NET MVC 4?

Castle Windsor: Will my transient component be garbage collected?

Castle Windsor Ioc Resolving Generic classes in the web.config

Transient vs per webrequest lifestyle, what constitutes a web request?

Castle Windsor Fluent Registration - What does Pick() do?

How to inject UrlHelper in MVC using Castle Windsor

Carrying per-request context using the HttpRequestMessage.Properties

Windsor Castle 5 LifestylePerWebRequest missing

c# castle-windsor

Whats ResolveAll do

Castle Windsor resolving and generics

Castle Windsor won't inject Logger in a property!

How to inject proper dependency based on constructor parameter name

Is there a simple way to register static closures with Castle Windsor?

How to use Castle Windsor's PerWebRequest lifestyle with OWIN