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New posts in capistrano

Multi-stage deployment advice?

Can Capistrano set variables based on a role?

ruby capistrano bundler

Capistrano deploy/assets on Rails 3.1 fails

Deploying to Production in Rails 3.2.6 with Twitter-Bootstrap-Rails

Capistrano with only 'sudo su - user' allowed

Capistrano: call task with arguments (internally)

ruby capistrano

Psych error on Capistrano deployment

Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError on deploy:update_code

Capistrano deploy error: Stage not set

Capistrano 3.1 compile_assets_locally

ruby-on-rails capistrano

github php project deployment

How to solve the "You need to add gem 'daemons' to your Gemfile if you wish to use it" error in production mode?

How do you do a rolling deploy with capistrano?

Using Sidekiq, Capistrano,Sinatra for deploys

Capistrano deploy:start with unicorn

ruby-on-rails capistrano