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New posts in capacitor

Ionic 5/Capacitor ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED in Android

Ios webview with capacitor, set safe areas

Unable to download file using ionic file transfer plugin in ionic 5+

Ionic & Capacitor - Android Splash Screen Responsiveness

How to rename platform "App" in ionic with capacitor

ionic capacitor qrscanner activity compat

Migration Cordova to Capacitor - error: package android.support.v4.content does not exist [duplicate]

Capacitor/Ionic: Handling push notification in background or when app was killed

What is the right way to use Ionic Native / Cordova Plugins with Ionic (React) & Capacitor?

Capacitor v3 plugins not working on android build

npx cap sync vs npx cap copy

angularjs capacitor

Capacitor 3.0 Upgrade Plugins "not implemented" Exception (Nx Monorepo)

ERROR: Unable to find module with Gradle path ':capacitor-cordova-android-plugins'

Does capacitor have a WEB-VIEW under the hood?

`.gitignore` for an Ionic project with Android target