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Capacitor/Ionic: Handling push notification in background or when app was killed

Goodmorning everyone, I haven't been able to find a solution for several hours now.

I use the "PushNotifications" Capacitor plugin (https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/apis/push-notifications/) to listen to push notifications that come to me from firebase (both notification and data type), the listening of notifications happens very well and everything behaves as expected even in cases of app killed or in the background.

The problem is the following:

I want to open the app when I receive a notification, if it is in the background or if it has been killed.

  1. In the case of notification received when the app is in the foreground, I can run custom code using addListener(eventName: "pushNotificationReceived", callback) and in any case I have no problems because the app is open.

  2. In case of notification received when the app is in the background, I can force the app to keep the backgroundMode active (https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/background-mode) and bring the app to the foreground upon receiving a notification. (although I don't really like it because it's battery consuming)

  3. In case of app killed, I have not found solutions to the problem.

It seems that there is no way to hook custom code to be able to run when a push notification arrives when it is received in the background or with the app killed, have you ever had this problem?

Thank you!

like image 626
Lorenzo Iovino Avatar asked Jun 23 '20 11:06

Lorenzo Iovino

People also ask

Why is Apple Sending Me a push notification from capacitor?

That happens because Capacitor includes the code for registering for push notifications and getting the token. Apple sends that mail just to make sure you didn't make a mistake and forgot to enable Push Notifications Capabilities in your app, but can safely ignore it if you are not using the Push Notifications plugin.

How to create an ionic app with capacitor enabled?

First of all we will create the Ionic app with Capacitor enabled and directly specify our package id which is the ID you usually used within your config with Cordova, and what you use within your iOS Developer Portal and for Android as well. It’s basically the unique identifier for your app.

How to handle push notifications in ionic project?

And inside you ionic project you handle pushNotificationActionPerformed like below and navigate to the desired route: PushNotifications.addListener ('pushNotificationActionPerformed', (notification: PushNotificationActionPerformed) => { console.log ('Push action performed: ' + JSON.stringify (notification)); } );

How long does it take to push push notifications?

Push notifications are mandatory for a lot of apps, and while the steps look like a lot of work, it’s actually done in an hour and you have a powerful feature for your app. There’s also an API for Firebase that you could use from your own server, so if you want to see some additional material on that topic, let me know in the comments!

1 Answers

My solution was to add: FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY action to AndroidManifest.xml



            <action android:name="FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

In addition on the server you should include the action in your push notification object:

  const pushNotification = {
  data: {
  notification: {
    body: body,
    title: title,
    click_action: 'FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY',

And inside you ionic project you handle pushNotificationActionPerformed like below and navigate to the desired route:

  (notification: PushNotificationActionPerformed) => {
    console.log('Push action performed: ' + JSON.stringify(notification));

To handle receiving push notifications in when the app is open you should handle pushNotificationReceived and show a toast yourself if needed.

// the app is open, show your own notification if needed
  (notification: PushNotification) => {
    console.log('push notification received: ' + JSON.stringify(notification));
like image 179
Mozart AlKhateeb Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Mozart AlKhateeb