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New posts in cancan

Is it possible to use cancan with two ability class

Cannot test with rspec controller POST create action( devise and cancan)

CanCan custom actions not working with blocks

ruby-on-rails cancan

Reducing the load of ability.rb in cancan

Activeadmin can can authorization error

CanCan - Access denied - Way to make CanCan Specify in the LOG Why?

Rails4 authorization strategies

Context aware authorization using CanCan

How can I allow a user to only visit their own show page using cancan?

ruby-on-rails cancan

RoR | Devise redirect loop because of cancan authorize

CanCan error 'undefined method role?' with Devise

How to access 'can?' method from within cell?

How to do pagination with cancan?

ActiveAdmin with CanCanAdapter causing infinite redirect on dashboard

How do you deal with a :create permission in cancan that's defined by the parent object?


How to use Devise/CanCan to protect mounted Engine resources?

Rails cancan authorizing nested resources

CanCan - How to allow users to update and delete only their own objects

Passing params to CanCan in RoR

ruby-on-rails ruby cancan