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New posts in c3p0

is c3p0 obsolete?


c3p0 maxIdleTime is same as wait_timeout of mysql?

Relationship between JDBC sessions and Oracle processes

java oracle jdbc c3p0

How to set a getConnection() timeout for c3p0?

Spring configuration of C3P0 with Hibernate?

hibernate spring c3p0

Should the "connection" argument of doWork() be closed?

java hibernate jdbc c3p0

Hibernate/c3p0 connection leak

hibernate c3p0

Does c3p0 connection pooling ensures max pool size?

Configure spring to connect to mysql over ssl

spring ssl jdbc c3p0 spring-jdbc

Configuring the built-in c3p0 pooling in Hibernate using Spring

java hibernate spring c3p0

Turning off logging for Hibernate c3p0

java hibernate logging c3p0

C3P0 Configurations! Where and How?


I can not run C3P0ConnectionProvider

java hibernate c3p0

How is maxIdleTimeExcessConnections different from maxIdleTime in c3p0?

Running out of DB connections!

How do I close a java.sql.DataSource

java datasource c3p0

Configuring Hibernate with HikariCP

how to return a connection in c3p0

java c3p0