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Turning off logging for Hibernate c3p0

I'm using Hibernate's c3p0 connection pooling and standard Java 1.4 java.util.logging. Upon startup, my app sets up it's logging properties (including formatter and log levels) in static block. Every time I start my app, I see the following:

2011-04-16 17-43-51 [com.mchange.v2.log.MLog] INFO: {MLog.<clinit>) MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
2011-04-16 17-43-51 [com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry] INFO: {C3P0Registry.banner) Initializing c3p0-0.9.1 [built 16-January-2007 14:46:42; debug? true; trace: 10]
2011-04-16 17-43-51 [com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource] INFO: {AbstractPoolBackedDataSource.getPoolManager)

I've tried

System.setProperty("com.mchange.v2.log.FallbackMLog.DEFAULT_CUTOFF_LEVEL", "WARNING");

but only way to prevent it that I found for now is


which affects everything - not a good side effect. Google didn't help. Could anyone help please?

like image 554
Alex Abdugafarov Avatar asked Apr 16 '11 12:04

Alex Abdugafarov

1 Answers

The way I found for achieving this

Create in your classpath a file called mchange-log.properties and put into it properties suggested by Frozen Spider.


Thats work fine even when you are not able to set system properties directly.

like image 161
Bohdan Levchenko Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Bohdan Levchenko