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Can you find an Active Directory User's Primary Group in C#?

c# c#-3.0 active-directory

Get PropertyInfo of a C# auto property given the backing field

c# c#-3.0

LINQ-to-XML to DataGridView: Cannot edit fields -- How to fix?

The type 'T' cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method error when type is known

c# c#-4.0 generics c#-3.0 c#-2.0

Loading different assemblies at compile-time based on Build Target

reflection c#-3.0

How CLR handles extern method calls in C#

c# c#-3.0

Why SynchronizedCollection<T> does not lock on IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()


How to estimate end time of method in WinForms to properly inform user about predicted time of finish?

c# .net winforms datetime c#-3.0

Time required for a process to complete

Why is the compiler not complaining about an additional ',' in Array or Object Initializers?

c# c#-3.0 c#-4.0

How to call a method with an enumerated (enum) argument through reflection?

c# reflection .net-3.5 c#-3.0

Joining/merging arrays in C#

c# .net linq arrays c#-3.0

C# Split byte[] array

c# arrays c#-3.0 split bytearray

Twitter: verifying username and password in C#

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PDF Text search C# [closed]

c# pdf c#-3.0 full-text-search

DataGridview cells of one column can't have different type

What's the advantage of Monitor.Enter(object, ref bool) over Monitor.Enter(object)?

c# c#-4.0 concurrency c#-3.0

What does "out" mean before a Generic type parameter?

Overloaded methods in interface

c# oop interface c#-3.0

how to do masking/hiding email address in c#

c# c#-4.0 c#-3.0 c#-2.0