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New posts in bundler

Getting ffmpeg to work with Heroku

Bundle install not using rbenv local Ruby version

Rails rake updating issue - Could not find rake-10.4.2 in any of the sources

install bundler using rvm, ruby 1.8.7 with gcc 4.7 on linux

ruby linux gcc rvm bundler

Why is Capistrano not installing gems with bundler?

CircleCI gems caching

An error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.6.0), and Bundler cannot continue

ruby-on-rails ruby gem bundler

bundle error on OS X

How can you preview the updates that a "Bundle Update" will make?

What to do when rubygems.org is down?

invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII when trying to start rails app with phusion passenger

In Rails 3's "bundle install" of local gem (frozen gem), keep getting "Source does not contain any versions of ..."?

Problem with bundler using rails (mac user)

camera calibration MATLAB toolbox

What's the Ruby analogue of npm link?

ruby gem bundler

heroku deploy taking very long

In Bundler, how can I override a dependency's version requirements for its own dependencies?

ruby-on-rails ruby bundler