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Breezejs - pattern for querying local cache

Yet another ASP.Net WebAPI route not found

dynamic queries for oData endpoint in javascript

Breeze.js - Securing IQueryable calls

security iqueryable breeze

Why would the entityAspect of my query items be null?

Date formatting issues with Knockout and syncing to breeze.js entityAspect modified

date knockout.js breeze

Is there any AngularJS + ASP.NET-WebApi + OData + Breeze.js + Typescript examples or did someone try to combine those

How to get TotalRows Count in Breezejs, so that I can do paging


Breeze Metadata request URL with cache bust

how to view breeze client validation errors

breeze hottowel

Is breeze server side metadata mandatory or can it be be defined client-side?


Using this.Context inside BeforeSaveEntity


Deleting Entities and its Navigation Properties


Handling calculated properties with breezejs and web api

breeze asp.net-web-api

How do you filter on child property collections in Breeze JS?


Include server side properties not mapped to entity framework entity


BreezeJS and RequireJS not working as expected

Using Breeze.js with Dapper

Validation in Breeze and Knockout

Proper method for deleting entity in one-to-many relationship