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Get value from Dictionary<string, object> without unboxing?

c# generics casting boxing

Scala 2.10, Double.isNaN, and boxing

scala boxing scala-2.10

Can boxing/unboxing a struct in C# give the same effect of it being atomic?

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Mechanism of Unboxing

Adding user mode types for Perl 6 NativeCall structs

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Comparing boxed values of different types

c# boxing

Whose ToString() would be called?

.net boxing

.NET: Strange behaviour of double.Equals() when boxing

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Are these boxing/unboxing examples

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Is there a shorthand way to get a float from an array?

Wrapper classes and generic clarifications in Java [duplicate]

java boxing

Auto Boxing vs static numbers

Does boxing cause performance issues?

Integer comparison in Java [duplicate]

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does valueType.ToString() does a cast on the valueType?

c# value-type boxing unboxing

Boxing & Unboxing [duplicate]

c# .net boxing

Do generic interfaces in C# prevent boxing? (.NET vs Mono performance)

Avoid boxing & unboxing in generic class

c# generics boxing unboxing

C# to CIL Boxing vs. ToString Cost

c# performance cil boxing ildasm