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How to send a message to a specific user using microsoft bot-builder to Skype for Business?

MS Bot, Direct line API, cannot send an activity, how to fix it?

Hand Off Bot to Human using BotFramework (NodeJS)

node.js botframework

Migrated bot state provider but calls to state.botframework.com are still being made

c# botframework

QnA Maker - Updating Knowledge Base

botframework qnamaker

Microsoft Bot Framework WebChat: Disable AdaptiveCards submit buttons of previous message

Microsoft BotFramework for private apps

Microsoft Bot Framework Client sdk

botframework botconnector

How do i display images in Microsoft bot framework with only the base64 encoded string of the image?


How can I access Bot Framework ConversationData outside of a dialog like in messages controller?

c# botframework

How can I use offline-directline for Microsofts Botframework v4?

Multitenancy in Google Dialogflow

How do you connect a MS botframework bot to Skype for Business

How do I implement multiple LUIS dialogs on a single bot using the Bot Framework?

AdaptiveCard: how to use in Node.js

Microsoft Bot Framework, there is a missing subtype

Azure Bot Service Direct Line API v3.0 constantly throwing 403 error on starting conversation

Calling Forms from Dialogs

c# botframework

Botframework No Interruptions from other Intent Dialogs until done with current Intent Dialog

How can i use QnAMaker to provide random answers to same query