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New posts in boost-variant

Creating a new boost-variant type from given nested boost-variant type

C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type (Again)

c++ json boost boost-variant

How to check if a template type is one of the types of a variant type?

How to implement a boost::variant derived-class?

boost::variant and polymorphism

c++ boost boost-variant

boost::variant usage

c++ variant boost-variant

Boost variant ambiguous construction [duplicate]

c++ boost boost-variant

boost::variant; std::unique_ptr and copy

boost variant simple call to common methods

c++ boost boost-variant

Is there boost::visit like std::visit, for boost::variant?

Boost variant visitor with an extra parameter

How to define heterogenous std::map using boost::variant in "two dimensional manner"

boost::variant implementation

c++ boost boost-variant

Construct a boost variant containing a value of the nth-type in the variant type index?

c++ boost boost-variant

how to increase the number of types that can handled by boost::variant

Iterating over the types in a boost::variant

boost::static_visitor with multiple arguments

c++ boost boost-variant

What is the equivalent of boost::variant in the C++ standard library?

How does boost::variant store references?

c++ boost boost-variant