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New posts in boost-multi-array

How to pass a row of boost::multi_array and std::vector by reference to the same template function?

Why is destructor of `boost::multi_array_ref` non-virtual?

c++ boost-multi-array

Boost multi_array range compilation

What is the type of a boost::extent object after providing dimensions?

c++ boost boost-multi-array

How to get max/min element from a boost multiarray

c++ boost boost-multi-array

pointers to a class in dynamically allocated boost multi_array, not compiling

One-line initialiser for Boost.MultiArray

c++ boost boost-multi-array

Why does boost::multi_array's ConstMultiArrayConcept have a NumDims template argument?

How to assign / copy a Boost::multi_array

c++ boost boost-multi-array

how to traverse a boost::multi_array

How to specify degenerate dimension of boost multi_array at runtime?

c++ boost boost-multi-array

What is the difference betwen boost::multi_array views and subarrays

Boost Multiarray Dimensions

Boost::multi_array performance question

Compare blitz++, armadillo, boost::MultiArray