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Flutter error while triying to implement BLoC from youtube-search-tutorial

flutter bloc

Can BlocBuilder of flutter_bloc avoid rebuild part of Widget which not changing?

flutter bloc

Flutter BlocListener executed only once even after event gets re-fired

what does the child class of Equatable pass to the super(Equatable class)?

flutter dart bloc equatable

Failed assertion line 5120 pos 12: 'child = _child' is not true

flutter bloc

How to change state of individual list items using bloc flutter?

flutter bloc flutter-bloc

BLoCs and multiple streams - Is there a better solution?

flutter bloc

Flutter Bloc state change is not updated UI with get_it

BottomNavigationBar page change causing StreamBuilder data reload

flutter bloc

How to keep the state using hydated_bloc in flutter?

flutter bloc

Stream/Bloc/Repository/Firebase data flow Flutter

firebase flutter stream bloc

How to manage a stream of List of objects in Flutter?

dart flutter stream bloc

TextField focus stuck when dropdown button is selected

flutter dart bloc

BLoC: how to pass it?

How to validate form when submit in flutter with flutter_bloc?

flutter bloc flutter-bloc

The superclass 'Bloc<xxx, xxx>' doesn't have a zero argument constructor in dart

Flutter- How to get last value from Stream<String> without RxDart?

flutter stream bloc

How to resolve emit was called after an event handler completed normally bloc error?

flutter dart state bloc

Flutter BLoC mapEventToState gets called only the first time for an event and not called each next time that event is fired

flutter bloc

Flutter Bloc does not change TextFormField initialValue

flutter bloc flutter-bloc