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New posts in bigdecimal

BigDecimal gives NumberFormatException in Android 4.0.3 with localization

Can a double initialized with a small whole number value be used with accuracy in a BigDecimal context?

java double bigdecimal

Hexadecimal -> Float Conversion Inaccurate

How to always display a BigDecimal object in full decimal format instead of scientific notation?

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Is it dangerous converting from float to BigDecimal then back?

How to get first non-zero digit of a BigDecimal

java bigdecimal

DecimalFormat results in two different results on different machines [duplicate]

Return BigDecimal fields as JSON String values in Java

java json rest get bigdecimal

Why are numbers with a leading sign (plus or minus) when converted to BigDecimal, treated as valid numbers in Java?

java bigdecimal

How to truncate double to N decimal places?

java rounding bigdecimal

0E30 is not ZERO

java bigdecimal

Using Struts2 Tags to Formatting Numbers

How to Round a BigDecimal Value to its nearest hundreths

java bigdecimal

BigDecimal with at least two decimals

java bigdecimal

Can we use .contains(BigDecimal.ZERO) when reading a list in JAVA?

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Grails 2.0 trouble with persisting BigDecimal

grails h2 bigdecimal

Best method to round up to the nearest 0.05 in java

java bigdecimal rounding

Why doesn't BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros() remove always all trailing zeros?

java rounding bigdecimal

Using Java BigDecimal still not correctly solving

java math double bigdecimal

BigDecimal from Double incorrect value?

java double bigdecimal