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New posts in backpropagation

Backpropagation with Rectified Linear Units

Truncated backpropagation in PyTorch (code check)

pytorch backpropagation

Should I avoid to use L2 regularization in conjuntion with RMSProp?

Is there a method in Pytorch to count the number of unique values in a way that can be back propagated?

Effects of randomizing the order of inputs to a neural network

Matrix dimensions not matching in back propagation

Gradcam with guided backprop for transfer learning in Tensorflow 2.0

Pytorch: RuntimeError: expected dtype Float but got dtype Long

Calculate the error using a sigmoid function in backpropagation

neural network-back propagation, error in training

Resilient backpropagation neural network - question about gradient

Gradient checking in backpropagation

Which multiplication and addition factor to use when doing adaptive learning rate in neural networks?

Why is a bias neuron necessary for a backpropagating neural network that recognizes the XOR operator?

Are there alternatives to backpropagation?

Neural Network and Temporal Difference Learning

Neural Network not fitting XOR

Is column selection in pytorch differentiable?