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New posts in backbone-events

Showing, Hiding, then re-showing Layouts breaks Events

Backbone.js model's destroy method does not trigger success or error event

How to prevent backbone model to collection event propagation?

backbone view events don't work after re-render

Getting changed attribute on change event

"Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'off'" error using events when moved to backbone 0.9.10

Event fires twice

Events in Backbone.js nested views

Overwriting a Backbone Models Change Event

Can't get Backbone routes without hashes?

Binding Backbone change event to attribute of model in a collection

Backbone.js views delegateEvents do not get bound (sometimes)

Backbone - Why doesn't a collection.reset trigger a model event?

Backbone: How to update a collection view when collection changes?

avoid event.preventDefault() boilerplate in backbone event handlers

Backbone.js - Both click and double click event getting fired on an element

Bind backbone event to a multiple class selector


How to add a default error handler to all Backbone models?

How can I "bubble up" events on nested Backbone collections?

Using backbonejs view, what is the best way to attach an "onload" event to an image tag?