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terraform azurerm : Error waiting for the Azure CLI: exit status 1

Can I access multiple azure accounts with azure-cli from the same machine at same time?

azure azure-cli

listKeys for Azure function app

Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes when passing JSON string to Azure CLI (from PowerShell)

Terraform: Error building ARM Config - Authenticating using the Azure CLI is only supported

Azure Cli How to enable Application Insights for webapp

Azure CLI vs Python SDK

mac - az command not found azure

azure azure-cli

Use Azure CLI within Azure Powershell Task

Getting tenant name from azure CLI

azure azure-cli

Pass parameter to Azure CLI Task in DevOps

Where are auto generated SSH keys stored in Windows using azure cli --generate-ssh-keys

Not able to purge Azure CDN Endpoint using Azure CLI

azure azure-cli azure-cdn

What's the equivalent terraform code for Azure AD SP create-for-rbac?

Assigning multiple tags to a resource via Azure CLI results in one big tag when using a variable

Is there a way to configure CosmosDB to use both the SQL (DocumentDB) and MongoDB APIs?

How to use filter with az ad app to do a bulk delete

Azure DevOps: Powershell 'Get-AzSubscription' is not recognized

Does the Azure CLI use the Azure Rest API

azure azure-cli

Failure to generate access token using refresh token for O365 API