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New posts in azure-cdn

Azure CDN (Verizon) custom rewrite rule invalid origin

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Azure CDN rules engine to rewrite default document and remove .html extension

Unable to access BLOB using CDN in Azure

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Unable to find option to create a CDN in the new Azure portal

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Azure CDN - Enabling HTTP Compression - Hosted Web Role

Azure CDN + Asp.net MVC Cloud Service compression for bundles not working

c# asp.net-mvc azure azure-cdn

azure cdn purge not refreshing cached content

Image Hosting Azure

Azure CDN returning 404 while origin url doesn't

azure azure-cdn

Hosting SPA with Static Website option on Azure Blob Storage (clean URLs and Deep links)

Azure CDN Microsoft Standard Rules Engine Rewrite URL for single-page-application

Azure CDN vs Azure Blob storage origin pull takes way too long

Forcing HTTPS with Azure CDN

azure azure-cdn

Azure, best way to store and deploy static content (e.g. images/css)?