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New posts in azure-automation

Can custom console application be executed in Azure (PowerShell) Runbook?

Create an automation job to execute azure runbook using REST API

What's the right way to run startup task for Azure Virtual Machine

ARM listKeys() Function - How to retrieve OMS/OpsInsight Workspace keys?

Printing messages from SQL in Azure Automation powershell script doesn't work

Is it possible to edit an Azure Automation Schedule?

Azure automation powershell, not work int input parameter

Does Azure Automation support Write-Information?

Using Empty/Optional Parameters in Azure ARM Template

Set-AzureRmContext error when executed within an Azure Automation Runbook

How to AcquireToken with PromptBehavior in the latest Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory

How to run stored procedure using Azure Automation?

Specflow - GenerateFeatureFileCodeBehindTask has failed unexpectedly