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Code generation from WSDL causes exception

Adding Security Header

java axis2 stub

Axis2 MTOM Webservice and a .NET Client to consume it

c# .net web-services axis2 mtom

JBoss6.1 and Axis2 Compatibility issues

axis2 jboss6.x

Axis2 ServiceClient options ignore timeout

java rest soap timeout axis2

"failed while installing axis2 core 1.1" in eclipse?

java apache web-services axis2

TCPTransportSender cannot be found by axis2_1.6.1.wso2v15 in WSO2 DSS 3.5.0

Configure webservice URL for client from properties file with Netbeans 7 and Axis2

How to set -Euwc param with axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin?

Best practices for Axis2 with Maven

maven code-generation axis2

Axis2 Client Throws AxisFault: Must Understand check failed for header Security

java web-services client axis2

WCF Web Service, Java Web Client, MustUnderstand headers not understood?

wcf jax-ws axis2 soapfault

server does not have an epr for the wsdl epr - Axis2

How to convert WDSL to Java with Axistools-maven-plugin?

maven axis2 wsdl2java

Adding User/Password to SOAPHeader for WebService client call with AXIS2

How to catch "Unable to sendViaPost to url"?

com.sun.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegateImpl error

apache jersey axis2

JAXB Unmarshall Created an Empty Object

xml jaxb axis2 unmarshalling