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Sending slash and backslash with Java

java awtrobot

How can I control the keyboard and mouse with Python?

python linux awtrobot

Robot.mouseMove does not work at all in Mac OS X

Increasing screen capture speed when using Java and awt.Robot

Is there a Python equivalent to Java's AWT Robot class? [closed]

java print screen two monitors

Using Java to send key combinations

java awt keypress awtrobot

In continuous integration (headless env -> mac os X server), use a tool/lib which needs access to GUI, xvfb/display emulator/X11 forwarding

How can I programmatically generate keypress events? [duplicate]

Do Robot methods need to be run on the event queue?

File Upload using Selenium WebDriver and Java Robot Class

Type a String using java.awt.Robot

java swing awtrobot

Convert String to KeyEvents

java awtrobot

How to simulate a real mouse click using java?

java windows awt awtrobot

Programmatically clicking a GUI button in Java Swing

java swing awtrobot