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Robot.mouseMove does not work at all in Mac OS X

I created java file in IntelliJ IDE, with that code

import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.MouseInfo;
import java.awt.Robot;

public class JavaRobotExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 12,
                y = 300;
        try {
            Robot robot = new Robot();
            robot.mouseMove(x, y);

            int xAct = (int)    MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().getX(),
                    yAct = (int) MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().getY();

            String sPred = String.format("Predicted mouse location : %, d, %, d", x, y),
                    sAct = String.format("Actual mouse location : %, d, %, d", xAct, yAct);

        } catch (AWTException e) {

That example works fine in Windows 7 environment, but the same code on Mac OS 10.14 doesn't move mouse using method mouseMove (but reads position with MouseInfo class).

Also I don't receive any Exception e.g.

Did someone had earlier similar problem? Any ideas how to get that code to work in Mac OS?

Best Regards,

like image 712
R.edd Avatar asked Nov 01 '18 14:11


1 Answers

I'm having the same exact issue too. I have a statement "robot.mouseMove(100, 100);" and the mouse doesn't move at all. I have an idea to research. I noticed a warning or informational type of message from MacOS while I was running my code. It was asking me something about giving permission for my program to control the screen or system or something. I tried to click the "allow" checkbox, but it wouldn't let me. I'll research this some more. I think it's a MacOS thing. You (and I) have to tell MacOS that it's ok for our Java program to control the mouse.

I think this is the solution . . .

In System Preferences (the "gear" icon), under Security & Privacy, click the Privacy tab toward the top, then choose Accessibility on the left. This lists all the programs that can "control your computer". I'm using STS, not IntelliJ. I see STS listed along with BetterSnapTool and KeyCastr. Both BetterSnapTool and KeyCastr are checked. STS is not checked. And, all of these are grayed out so that I can't change any of the checks. There's a Lock icon at the bottom left of the window. I clicked on the icon, and a prompt came up asking for my password (I have some level of sysadmin privileges). I put in my password, and I am now allowed to "check" STS. I "checked" STS (you will "check" IntelliJ). After "checking" STS, I clicked the Lock icon at the bottom left again. This "closed" the lock. Now when I run my program, the robot command moves my mouse.

like image 53
Paul Banta Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Paul Banta