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What exactly does sequenceNumberForOrdering do when putting records into a Kinesis stream with the Java SDK?

IAM Role Name considred as Class in Yii 1

Unable to play mp4 video uploaded to AWS S3 using pre-signed URL

Kinesis: What is the best/safe way to shutdown a worker?

Generate S3 URL in "path-style" format

AWS Cognito InvalidParameterException clientName must contain a scheme

Content Type not enforced in s3 pre-signed POST

How to create a Lambda function using AWS SDK for Java 2.0

How to save file from S3 using aws-sdk v3

AWS Cognito Token Expiring After 1 Hour

Handling AWS STS key expiration while a file transfer to AWS S3?

AWS Lambda Error: Could not unzip uploaded file

react-native - FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

DynamoDB - Sort key attribute name

Custom URL with Paperclip and AWS S3

how to upload image on amazon s3 using nodejs and make it public

node.js amazon-s3 aws-sdk

boto3 searching unused security groups

How to make calls to elasticsearch apis through NodeJS?

How to stub aws-sdk

How to pass script to UserData field in EC2 creation on AWS Lambda?