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AWS Cognito InvalidParameterException clientName must contain a scheme

The document shows that we can use custom name. However, it will throw the error "clientName must contain a scheme".

String userPoolId = "ap-northeast-1_XXXXXXXX"; //cens user
    String clientName = "clientName";

    AWSCognitoIdentityProvider provider = AWSCognitoIdentityProviderClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    CreateUserPoolClientRequest update = new CreateUserPoolClientRequest()
            .withAllowedOAuthScopes("phone", "email", "openid");

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Cenxui Avatar asked Mar 13 '18 08:03


1 Answers

I ran into the same "must contain a scheme" error today when attempting to provision a new Cognito UserPool + UserPoolClient via CloudFormation. It's a poorly worded error. What it should say is: "The URLs you provided for either the callback or logout URLs must contain a scheme, such as https."

Once I updated my URLs so that they started with https, the CloudFormation deploy was able to move beyond the error.

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capelio Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 20:10
