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Kubernetes nginx ingress periodically gives 404

First request to AWS ELB is slow every time

Is there option to redirect http traffic to https in aws network load balancer

How organize terraform modules for common load balancer

Verify hostname of the server who invoked the API

Can I use AWS own ELB certificate for HTTPS/SSL connection?

Healthcheck for NetworkLoadBalancer with UDP ECS service

AWS ALB - You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones

Kubernetes ingress websockets connection issue

Websocket closing after 60 seconds of being idle while connection node server using AWS ELB

Kubernetes and AWS: Set LoadBalancer to use predefined Security Group

how to get list of registered targets in AWS target group via CLI

Aws-elb health check failing at 302 code

How is "Target Groups" different from "Auto-Scaling Groups" in AWS?