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Can I use AWS own ELB certificate for HTTPS/SSL connection?

I know that you can add your own certificate to the domain and point that domain to the AWS Elastic Load Balancer. In my case I don't have domain, but would like still use secure HTTPS/SSL connection when talking client <-> backend. Is it possible to enable HTTPS connection directly to ELB, i.e instead of using http://some-random-url-here.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com I would like to use https://some-random-url-here.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com

That would mean, that AWS would need to provide the cert for the *.elb.amazonaws.com domain. I remember at least long time ago this was possible, but maybe my memory does not serve me right?

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Maksim Luzik Avatar asked Sep 12 '18 08:09

Maksim Luzik

People also ask

Does each server behind a load balancer need their own SSL certificate?

Google Cloud uses SSL certificates to provide privacy and security from a client to a load balancer. To achieve this, the load balancer must have an SSL certificate and the certificate's corresponding private key.

How do I add HTTPS to ELB?

To add an HTTPS listener using the consoleOn the navigation pane, under LOAD BALANCING, choose Load Balancers. Select a load balancer, and choose Listeners, Add listener. For Protocol : port, choose HTTPS and keep the default port or enter a different port.

How do I create a AWS HTTPS certificate?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ACM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/acm/home . Choose Request a certificate. In the Domain names section, type your domain name. You can use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as www.example.com , or a bare or apex domain name such as example.com .

Does AWS Network Load Balancer support HTTPS?

Unlike a Classic Load Balancer or an Application Load Balancer, a Network Load Balancer can't have application layer (layer 7) HTTP or HTTPS listeners. It only supports transport layer (layer 4) TCP listeners. HTTP and HTTPS traffic can be routed to your environment over TCP.

1 Answers

Memory does not serve you right. This is not possible now and would not have been possible in the past. ELBs don't have, and it is not possible to obtain, a certificate like this (including from Amazon Certificate Manager).

In fact, 3rd party providers like Let's Encrypt also have protections to prevent you from obtaining certificates like this, since amazonaws.com is not your domain.

You will need a domain that you control.

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Michael - sqlbot Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Michael - sqlbot