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New posts in autofixture

Is it possible in AutoFixture SemanticComparison to set custom comparer for specified type

How can I register a generic object factory?

Create an instance of FormsAuthenticationTicket with a valid XML string in UserData

c# .net autofixture

AutoFixture with NUnit and AutoData throws TargetParameterCountException

How do I generate objects when there are multiple paths to a child entity?

c# autofixture

AutoConfiguredMoqCustomization with abstract class implementing interface

moq autofixture

AutoFixture cannot create Claim (with .NET Framework 4.6)

Customizing AutoFixure using FromSeed Causes Exception

c# unit-testing autofixture

AutoFixture + NSubstitute throws NotASubstituteException for injected auto mock

autofixture nsubstitute

Is there a way of creating an instance of a type with test data?

c# autofixture nbuilder

Hierarchical object and AutoFixture

Fixture Constraints on property autogeneration

c# .net autofixture

AutoFixture with "weak" types

xunit autofixture

Using autofixture in my data integration tests to create proxies

AutoFixture AutoMoq not creating mocks for some properties

How to use AutoFixture to generate specific values when the Builder is given an abstract class

c# .net autofixture

Cannot find Autofixture circular reference

c# autofixture

Customization for creating implementations of a base type

c# autofixture

AutoFixture and fluent Moq syntax

AutoFixture: how to CreateAnonymous from a System.Type