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How to use AutoFixture to generate specific values when the Builder is given an abstract class

I'm trying to generate specific values for a class with AutoFixture but the Builder is given an abstract class. As such, the builder can't see the properties for either concrete types ... and therefore cannot/doesn't know when/how to create them.


public abstract class BaseClass
    // Common properties.
    public string Id { get; set }
    public Baa Baa { get; set; }

public class ConcreteA : BaseClass
    public string Name { get; set ;}

public class ConcreteB : BaseClass
    public NumberOfPeople int { get; set }

So, when I create a fake instance of a BaseClass, I'm hoping to set the concrete value, where appropriate.


Class      | Property and value, to set.
ConcreteA  | Name = "Jane"
ConcreteB  | NumberOfPeople = 3

I'm not sure how to define (in the Builder) that when currentType == typeof(ConcreteA) then do this... etc.


This is how I am currently creating my fake instances:

public static T CreateAThing<T>() where T : BaseClass, new()
    var fixture = new Fixture();
    return fixture.Build<T>()
        .With(x => x.Id, $"things-{fixture.Create<int>()}")

where the Id is a consecutive number appended to some fixed string.

Now, when T is a ConcreteA, then I was hoping to have it do some specific logic. (like set the name to be some first name + surname) while if T is a ConcreteB, then some random number from 1 to 10.

NOTE: The reason I was doing it like this, was because I was just thinking about not repeating myself for the baseclass properties (like how I'm wanting the Id property to be things-<consecutive number>.

Open to all ideas :)

like image 440
Pure.Krome Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 03:02


1 Answers

You can customize each concrete type individually:

fixture.Customize<ConcreteA>(c => c.With(x => x.Name, "Jane"));
fixture.Customize<ConcreteB>(c => c.With(x => x.NumberOfPeople, 3));

Subsequently, you can simply create them:

var a = fixture.Create<ConcreteA>();
var b = fixture.Create<ConcreteB>();



like image 172
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Mark Seemann