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New posts in autoboxing

Unwanted autoboxing magic on Numbers

java autoboxing

Initializing a Double object with a primitive double value

java autoboxing

Java auto boxing/unboxing wierdness [duplicate]

java autoboxing

Why is autoboxing/unboxing failing here?

java autoboxing

The expression of type x is boxed into X?

java eclipse autoboxing

How to use (primitive) autoboxing/widening with Hamcrest?

java autoboxing hamcrest

Java allows to assign byte to java.lang.Short but not to java.lang.Integer

Equality comparison of `boolean` and `Object` allowed?

java eclipse javac autoboxing

How do I represent the boxed Double in pure Scala?

scala autoboxing

Widening and Boxing Java primitives

Java Iterator for primitive types

Why doesn't my primitive-type-argumented method override the wrapper-type-argumented super class method?

java wrapper autoboxing

Correct way of converting String to Long in Java [duplicate]

java autoboxing

Do autoboxing and unboxing behave differently in Java and C#

c# java autoboxing

Avoiding boxing by passing in single element primitive array

Java automatic unboxing - is there a compiler warning?

Difference between long.Class and Long.TYPE

java junit autoboxing

Wrappers and Auto-boxing

java wrapper autoboxing

Java: Is it ok to set Integer = null?

Wrapper classes - why integer literals fail for Long but work for anything smaller

java wrapper autoboxing