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New posts in auto-increment

postgresql nextval generating existing values

Is there any harm in resetting the auto-increment?

How do I add auto_increment to a column in SQL Server 2008


MySQL, C++ - Programmatically, How does MySQL Autoincrement Work?

Alter the LAST_INSERT_ID() from within a TRIGGER in MySQL

How to define an auto-increment number for LDAP structure?

ldap auto-increment

MySQL returns last inserted when querying IS NULL

Sequences with composite primary key

Are race conditions possible with PostgreSQL auto-increment

PHP short unique ID generation using auto_increment?

How to enable auto-increment in letters(A, B, C, D...) in SQL SERVER 2008?

How to change a primary key in SQL to auto_increment?

Generating incremental numeric column values during INSERT SELECT statement

Prevent InnoDB auto increment ON DUPLICATE KEY

How to prevent mySQL from resetting auto increment value?

mysql auto-increment reset

How to use an auto incremented primary key as a foreign key as well?

How is the MySQL auto_increment step size determined

mysql auto-increment

How can I get the auto incrementing field name or the primary key fieldname from a mysql table?

DBCC CHECKIDENT RESEED -- is new value required?