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How is the MySQL auto_increment step size determined

I have a table of web pages, with the primary key as hash of the URL, and an auto_increment ID column, which is also a unique key.

What I'm a bit confused by is why successive inserts don't increment the ID field by 1. When I first created the table and did a single insert, the first id was 1. The second insert produced and id of 5 and the third was 8.

I have a trigger on the table which, on insert, computes the hash of the URL of the webpage. Not sure if that's relevant or not.

It's not a problem to have gaps, but I would like to understand why successive inserts don't generate IDs with a step size of 1.


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Vijay Boyapati Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 21:11

Vijay Boyapati

People also ask

How does SQL auto increment work?

Auto-increment allows a unique number to be generated automatically when a new record is inserted into a table. Often this is the primary key field that we would like to be created automatically every time a new record is inserted.

What happens if MySQL auto increment reaches limit?

When the AUTO_INCREMENT column reaches the upper limit of data type then the subsequent effort to generate the sequence number fails. That is why it is advised to use a large enough integer data type for the AUTO_INCREMENT column to hold the maximum sequence value required by us.

How many columns can we have with AUTO_INCREMENT?

The automatically generated value can never be lower than 0. Each table can have only one AUTO_INCREMENT column.

Why does auto increment jump by more than the number of rows inserted?

It could have multiple causes: Check if the auto_increment value on the table itself, has the next highest value. Mind that if you have transactions where you INSERT a row and rollback the transaction, that auto_increment value will be gone/skipped.

Is it possible to set an AUTO_INCREMENT field value manually?

The default value is Yes. If you want to manually assign a value to a field that has the AutoIncrement property set to Yes, you must be member of the SQL Server db_owner database permission set.

Is primary key auto increment by default?

No. A primary key must be unique and that has to be 100% guaranteed, and NON NULL A primary key should be stable if ever possible and not change.

2 Answers

Several suggestions of why this may be happening:

See auto_increment_increment. This controls the incrementation each time a new value is requested during INSERT.

Also if you use InnoDB tables in MySQL 5.1, they optimized auto-inc allocation so that it locks the table for a shorter duration. This is good for concurrency, but it can also "lose" auto-inc values if the INSERT of a row conflicts with another constraint such as a secondary UNIQUE column or a foreign key. In those cases, the auto-inc value allocated is not pushed back into the queue, because we assume another concurrent thread may have already allocated the next auto-inc value.

Of course rollbacks also occur, in which case an auto-inc value may be allocated but discarded.

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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Bill Karwin

It could be related to transactions that end up getting rolled back. For example,

  1. Insert google.com id=5
  2. Insert mysql.com id=6
  3. Insert stackoverflow.com id = 7
  4. rollback insert google.com
  5. rollback insert mysql.com

Then stackoverflow.com is inserted with id=7 and 5 and 6 are left blank.

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Brian Fisher Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Brian Fisher