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New posts in associations

Ecto association to more than one schemes

associations elixir ecto

Use of the "_type" column with polymorphic associations in Rails

Zero or one association in ActiveRecord

Symfony 3 / Doctrine - Get changes to associations in entity change set

Sequelize CLI : cannot read property 'replace' of undefined when migrating DB

Private association in rails

Many-to-many association with multiple self-joins in ActiveRecord

can Belongs_to work without has_many or has_one

Making a Rails relationship with a custom name

How do I count the number of records that have one or more associated object?

how do I associate one model twice to another

Associated models and SUM query in Rails

Rspec testing Belongs to and has many

Could not find the source association(s) :followed_id in model relationship in Rails 3.2

How do you override the getter method for a Rails has_one association?

How can I have two columns in one table point to the same column in another with ActiveRecord?

Find the associations for an ActiveRecord class at run-time?

Rails custom foreign_key name on both table

Does has_many require belongs_to on the other side?

ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughOrderError: Cannot have a has_many :through association