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New posts in asp.net-web-api

Entity Framework, Prevent duplicate records, simultaneous connections

Inject IOwinContext with Web API and Ninject

How to start with OAuth Client Credentials to protect WebApi using OWIN Oauth?

(headless) integration testing frameworks for asp.net mvc/webapi 5 [closed]

How to log which action method is executed in a controller in webapi


Unified MVC and Web Api - same controller for views and json?

Web API Help page not showing XML

An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions in Azure Web Apps

Multiple owin listeners with their own set of controllers, with Autofac for DI

Passing back multiple service uris

Test version of web API url

Cant get ASP.NET Core Web API to work with IIS [closed]

Authorization with Asp.Net Core WebAPI

HttpConfiguration method EnableCors not found

Add token authentication for webApi controller to existing asp.net MVC 5 application

Best practices for managing Web API JWT token in another Web API

ASP.NET Web API with DotNetOpenAuth

Inheritance and the JSON formatter of ASP.NET Web API

Facebook Authentication for a Web API service/mobile app

Does WebApi support application/x-www-form-urlencoded out of the box