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New posts in asp.net-web-api

Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors'

Can I force SoapClient to return arrays as arrays?

Have a WebAPI Controller send an http request to another controller within the same service

Route Prefix VS Controller Name ( Web api )

How to download file with Swagger UI

c# asp.net-web-api swagger

Correct use of EnsureSuccessStatusCode and IsSuccessStatusCode

Send large file from WebAPI.Content Length is 0

Do I need to call context.dispose when adding the dbcontext with DI?

Asp.net Web API normalize arguments

(400) Bad Request when trying to post simple value to an API

Carrying per-request context using the HttpRequestMessage.Properties

ASP.Net Web API doesn't read all bytes from StreamContent

MVC 4 Web Api Post

Passing array of integers to webapi Method

Dynamic model binding with ASP.NET WEB API

c# asp.net-web-api

IIS - the request is rejected by HTTP filter when there are european char in the url

Reading XML content from Body of WebAPI call is cut off at beginning

WebApi2: Custom parameter binding to bind partial parameters

Getting the current MediaTypeFormatter from the Request object, possible?

Remove Cookie from Web API 2 Response