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New posts in asp.net-web-api

How to handle async calls with Ninject InRequestScope?

Roles vs Claims Authorization Asp.net web api-2 with WIF and OWIN Middleware

Unit testing Entity Framework 6 with IdentityDbContext

Is there any AngularJS + ASP.NET-WebApi + OData + Breeze.js + Typescript examples or did someone try to combine those

Is there a way to detect from which source an API is being called?

Swashbuckle rename Data Type in Model

Web Api (MVC 6) Chunked body did not terminate properly with 0-sized chunk

How to pass other parameters to OWIN Login?

c# asp.net-web-api owin

Using ADAL C# as Confidential User /Daemon Server /Server-to-Server - 401 Unauthorized

Design pattern to consume WebAPI from MVP Winform Client

Angular/Web API 2 returns invalid or corrupt file with StreamContent or ByteArrayContent

How to access query parameters like $orderBy in controller actions?

Selectively use default JSON converter

Asp.Net WebApi OWIN Authentication

Do I need CSP for a Web API?

ASP.NET Web API 2 and partial updates

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method ,and this method cannot be translated into a store expression

Unit Testing a Web API end point that you upload files

asp.net adding ApiController as service for dependency injection

How to perform full text search and indexing using ASP.NET Core?