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how to ask webapi for a specific content type

Overloading WebAPI controller with 2 Get methods

c# .net asp.net-web-api

How to get the WebAPI HelpPage package to work with the HotTowel template?

Asp.Net WebAPI and AttributeRouting - no overloaded attribute constructor?

Creating a route that can accept a DateTime in the URI with asp.net web api 2 attribute routing

Web API - Event Notification

CORS not working for /token with Thinktecture.IdentityModel.45

Set default WebAPI formatter


WebAPI / Owin - Identity is not authorized after signing-in

ASP.NET Web API CORS not working with AngularJS

Call to Web API from MVC POST action method and receive a result

Which WebApi OData namespace

The type does not implement the IModelBinder interface. Parameter name: binderType

ASP.Net MVC 6 + WebAPI Auth - Redirect MVC to logon but 401 if WebAPI

Am I using correct lifetime managers for dependency injection?

MongoDB + .NET Core 1.0?

Event publisher for ASP.NET Web Api

How to add Basic authorization header in the Swagger in ASP .Net core

Unexpected character encountered while parsing API response

Exclude property from json serialization in ApiController