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New posts in asp.net-mvc-routing

angularjs with cshtml page only not html pages with web api 2

Generating link using urlhelper in MVC 6 controller (vNext)

ASP.Net MVC route to catch all *.aspx requests

Attribute routing not working in MVC4

ReturnUrl Points to an ActionResult

ASP.net MVC3 Multilingual Route Rewriting

mvc3 routing with 2 different domains

Pass id, but don't show it in the actual url

Force ASP.NET MVC3 handler to ignore .cshtml and .vbhtml URLs and just pass them through

How to set Area view as home page in ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC4 Custom routing

Url.Action with WebApi and Controller routes

How to ignore a specific route in ASP.NET MVC routing

Routing is finding the controller in my areas, but not the views

ASP MVC ChildActionOnly should have routing

ASP.NET MVC Routing using ID or action name

Piranha CMS routing issue with ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET MVC - MapRoute versus routes.Add (and 404s)

RedirectToAction and RedirectToRoute

What's the WebApi [FromUri] equivalent in ASP.NET MVC?