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New posts in asp.net-mvc-routing

What's the difference in ASP.NET MVC of RedirectToRoute and RedirectToAction?

Plus (+) in MVC Argument causes 404 on IIS 7.0

ASP.NET CORE, Web API: No route matches the supplied values

Redirect from one Area's action to a action in the "root"-area?

How to get RouteData by URL?

Action Parameter Naming

Getting full url of any file in ASP.Net MVC

How to prevent Url.RouteUrl(...) from inheriting route values from the current request


How do I set the default namespaces in MapHttpRoute?

How does a method in MVC WebApi map to an http verb?

Set index.html as the default page

ASP.NET MVC custom routing for search

ASP.NET MVC 4 - 301 Redirects in RouteConfig.cs

ASP.NET MVC - Routing - an action with file extension

How do I route a URL with a querystring in ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.net MVC4 WebApi route with file-name in it

Routing in Asp.net Mvc 4 and Web Api

MVC 4 Remove "home" from base route

How can I redirect my action to the root of the web site?

ASP.NET MVC - how to get a full path to an action