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How do I route a URL with a querystring in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm trying to setup a custom route in MVC to take a URL from another system in the following format:


The 01 after the second ABC is a step number this will change and the Key and Group parameters will change. I need to route this to one action in a controller with the step number key and group as paramters. I've attempted the following code however it throws an exception:


routes.MapRoute(     "OpenCase",      "ABC/ABC{stepNo}?Key={key}&Group={group}",     new {controller = "ABC1", action = "OpenCase"} ); 


`The route URL cannot start with a '/' or '~' character and it cannot contain a '?' character.` 
like image 724
Jason Underhill Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 13:08

Jason Underhill

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1 Answers

You cannot include the query string in the route. Try with a route like this:

routes.MapRoute("OpenCase", "ABC/ABC{stepNo}",    new { controller = "ABC1", action = "OpenCase" }); 

Then, on your controller add a method like this:

public class ABC1 : Controller {     public ActionResult OpenCase(string stepno, string key, string group)     {         // do stuff here         return View();     }         } 

ASP.NET MVC will automatically map the query string parameters to the parameters in the method in the controller.

like image 155
Hector Correa Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Hector Correa