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New posts in asp.net-membership

Overriding ASP.NET Membership in ASP.NET MVC 4

Getting the current user id (not name) using forms authentication?

User.IsInRole vs Roles.IsUserInRole in AuthenticateRequest

Form Authentication : Roles (MVC 4) C#

requiresQuestionAndAnswer set to false in web.config but RequiresQuestionAndAnswer is true at runtime

ASP.NET Membership - keep users to use previous passwords

ASP.NET MVC Get a list of users with particular profile properties

Help me decide whether to use ASP.NET default membership/roles providers or write custom providers

Exception on Membership.GetAllUsers() after login: "Item has already been added"

Performance problems when using PrincipalContext.ValidateUser

ASP.NET MembershipProvider encryption/decryption

ASP.Net membership login issue

user logged out frequently (Default Membership provider)

Moving asp.net membership web.config settings to Database Is this even possible?

what to use as asp.net membership backend ? RavenDB or SqlServer

ASP.NET MVC authenticates and authorizes non-existent users

Asp.net override Membership settings at runtime (asp.net mvc)

Multi tenant membership provider ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET membership salt?

You must call the "WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection" method before you call any other method of the "WebSecurity" class